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Omnichannel Payment Acquiring

Bills Payment

Simplified, secure & reliable digital payment process

In the digital era, banks need to offer quick and easy payment experiences. Redtech Bill Pay is a solution that caters to this need by providing a multi-channel platform for electronic bill payments. It not only enhances customer convenience but also provides a steady income source for banks through regular bill payments. The platform also facilitates rapid onboarding of billers and integration with various payment channels.

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Supports Multiple Access Points & Payment Methods

Redtech Bills Pay caters to a wide range of biller categories, including Electricity, DTH, Charity, Tax, School Fee, Insurance, and Subscriptions. It ensures a consistent bill payment experience across diverse access channels such as Web, Mobile, Agent, and ATM.

It empowers customers by allowing them to choose their desired payment method for settling bills. This includes a variety of options like credit cards, debit cards, mobile banking, digital wallets, or UPI.

Biller On-boarding to Performance Tracking

The on-boarding tools provided by Redtech Bills Pay enable banks create biller profiles, add biller plans, various payment methods and options offered by the biller. This facilitates a smooth integration of billers into the system, ensuring a seamless payment process for customers. It’s a crucial feature that enhances the efficiency and user-friendliness of the digital payment platform.

Dynamic Biller Fee Management

Redtech Bills Pay provides tools that allow for easy management of biller fees. This includes setting up fee structures, tracking fees, and ensuring accurate and timely payments. By simplifying biller fee management, Redtech Bill Pay helps banks reduce administrative overhead, improve accuracy, and enhance customer satisfaction.

Simplifying Agent On-boarding & Management

Integrating agents into the system, setting up agent profiles, tracking their transactions, and providing them with the necessary tools and resources to perform their tasks effectively. By simplifying agent on-boarding and management, Redtech Bills Pay ensures a smooth and efficient payment process, leading to improved customer satisfaction, increased revenue growth, overall efficiency and user-friendliness of the platform.

Facilitating biller on-boarding with Partner APIs

Seamless integration of billers into the payment system. Access to a set of routines, protocols, and tools for building the software and applications that interact with the payment system to quickly and readily integrated with the bank’s existing delivery channels including ATMs and POS terminals, Internet Banking, Mobile Banking, Digital Wallets.

It simplifies the on-boarding process but also ensures a smooth and efficient payment process, leading to improved customer satisfaction and increased revenue growth.

Automated Alert Service

Immediately alerts customers when a bill is paid or pending or service interruptions and monitoring customer behavior to predict future needs, sending timely updates and alerts to keep customers informed.

Offering solutions before customers encounter problems, and gathering feedback through customer surveys to improve products and services.

Data Analysis and Reporting

Redtech Bills Pay equips banking institutions with a variety of analytical reports, enabling them to make data-driven decisions. This includes access to data related to both agents and billers.

The platform allows banks to delve into various aspects such as the biller information, the mode of delivery, customer fees, payables, and data on reversed transactions by agents. This comprehensive data analysis aids in strategic decision-making.

Effective Fraud and Risk Management

Preventing financial loss associated with transactions performed by a customer or an agent. Protecting your brand’s reputation and maintaining customer trust. A continuous process that requires regular review and updating of strategies and controls to keep up with evolving threats and regulatory requirements.

Key Capabilities

Redtech offers choice and flexibility to customize payment processing solutions to the best of your needs.

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