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Payment Products

Unified Issuance Platform

Cloud-Native, API-Oriented Card Processing Solution Platform

In the dynamic landscape of payment solutions, card providers must navigate shifting customer preferences, a crowded marketplace, and fresh regulatory challenges. Unfortunately, legacy systems are costly to upkeep and lack the nimbleness required to adapt to these changing demands. It’s essential for providers to partner with a technology firm that not only aligns with consumer expectations but also maintains cost efficiency.

Enter Redtech: a supplier of card issuance solutions, serving a vast number of cardholders, and dedicated to bolstering the growth of issuers’ payment ventures.

The Redtech Issuance portfolio is comprehensive, featuring card administration, customer loyalty programs, detailed management insights through reporting and analytics, alongside robust security measures for card users. The suite is crafted with adaptable modules that empower issuers to accelerate their market entry, diminish instances of fraud, enhance monitoring of transactions, and tailor the payment journey for their customers. Thanks to our open API architecture, issuers gain the flexibility and scalability necessary to collaborate with external apps and pioneer groundbreaking payment services.


Virtual Payment Cards

Virtual cards are integral to a comprehensive approach aimed at revitalizing infrastructure that prioritizes digital-led procedures, enhancing the quality of products and customer service interactions.

Modern consumers reject the outdated norm of a seven-day delay for issuing or replacing cards, showing a preference for providers who offer immediate solutions.

Use Cases

Ecommerce Payments

One-off virtual payment cards for individual purchases.

Embedded Payments

Secure wearable & IoT device tokenized payment processing.

Corporate Payments

Employee expense cards and vendor instant payments.

Redtech Virtual Issuance offers several benefits for businesses and individuals alike;

Enhanced Security: Virtual cards can be generated with unique 16-digit numbers for each transaction, reducing the risk of fraud.

Improved Control: Limits can be set on spending, and cards can be restricted to specific vendors or purposes.

Greater Visibility: They provide detailed oversight of company spending, which can improve expense management.

Convenience: Virtual cards can be issued instantly and used primarily online, and they can also be added to digital wallets like Apple Pay and Google Pay.

Efficiency: The digital nature of virtual cards allows for faster issuing & easier integration with payment and data exchange processes.

Payment Products

Debit Card Management System

Africa’s leading card management systems company

Changes in consumer habits, the inclination towards modern payment methods, and the influence of regulatory mandates are transforming the card issuance environment.

The capacity to address these evolving requirements hinges on possessing a robust infrastructure designed to streamline card management processes. The selection of an appropriate partner is pivotal, guaranteeing that the card solutions provided are sufficiently comprehensive to satisfy diverse consumer demands, yet specifically customized to remain economically viable for your institution.

The Redtech Debit Card Management System (Debit CMS) delivers exceptional scalability and performance, offering a cutting-edge platform for the development and growth of payment card offerings.

Key Functionalities

A Comprehensive Card Management System

Redtech Debit CMS is designed to manage the complete lifecycle of cards. Redtech Debit CMS functionality spans the complete gamut of issuing capabilities to help issuers efficiently manage their debit card portfolios. The system supports registration, verification, card issuance, profile and card data management, card lifecycle management, as well as administration and reporting.

The Redtech Debit CMS Versatile Platform

Redtech’s Debit CMS provides a dynamic debit card solution that allows issuers to have a holistic view of all products and cards associated with each customer through a unified management system.

It is an optimal choice for introducing new products, featuring inherent support for multiple languages, currencies, and institutional frameworks, making it a versatile tool for global financial operations.

Expandable Functionality

The Redtech Debit CMS is designed to excel in scalability, surpassing other card management solutions in its ability to align with your evolving requirements. This ensures that issuers can expedite the expansion of services and attain their objectives for rapid market entry.

Adaptable Structure

The Redtech (Debit CMS) facilitates the customization of essential business operations, simplifying intricate processes & granting users full adaptability to quickly adjust to changing business landscapes.

Web Services Integration

The web services offers an extensive selection of APIs designed for swift & seamless integration with various external platforms; online banking gateways, CRM systems, & mobile financial apps.

Expandable Architecture

Modularization guarantees that the platform can consistently incorporate new functionalities by seamlessly integrating additional service modules, thereby enhancing its value proposition.

Payment Products

Prepaid Card Solutions

All-in-one card solution for diverse usage.

In various markets, prepaid cards have emerged as a favored payment method, addressing the varied requirements of a broad customer base. To maintain a competitive edge, issuers must proactively innovate and introduce new offerings in alignment with evolving consumer expectations.

Redtech’s Prepaid Card Management System is adept at overseeing the entire spectrum of card-related processes, drawing on the firm’s extensive track record of partnering with numerous prestigious organizations.

Redtech Prepaid CMS – One card, many possibilities.

  • General Purpose Re-loadable Cards
  • Payroll Cards
  • Forex Travel Cards
  • Gift Cards
  • Social Benefit Cards
  • Mutual Fund Prepaid Cards

Key Functionalities

  • Integrated card system with multi-functional use
  • Cross-currency transactional capability
  • Omnichannel sign-up process
  • Cross-institutional support capability
  • Multiple wallet support system
  • Management of balances
  • Structured transaction oversight
  • Web services layer integration
  • Ease of service administration

Payment Products

Digital PIN

Instant card activation across different channels

In today’s digital era, self-service is not just a preference but a necessity for the new tech-savvy generation. Although banks have made strides in offering digital services, there remains a gap in digitizing essential customer interaction points. Redtech’s Digital PIN initiative positions issuers to elevate customer satisfaction and streamline operational efficiency. It is a swift solution for PIN generation and distribution.

The Redtech Digital PIN system is engineered to accommodate a variety of distribution channels, including ATMs, mobile devices, email, IVR systems, and online banking platforms, all unified under a central logic layer. This ensures a tailored user experience across different channels while maintaining uniformity in backend processes.

Key Functionalities

  • Unified architecture for diverse channels
  • Strengthens security
  • Complete PIN lifecycle management
  • Graphical User Interface for operational management
  • In-depth reporting

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